How Reading Works / Knowing the Sounds of Written Letters and Words

Teachers Call This Skill:
Phonics is the understanding of the relationship between the letters in written words and the sounds of these words when spoken.
To become skilled readers, children must have a strong base in phonics, or an understanding of the sounds of written letters and words. Children will use phonics when learning how to blend sounds together to read words.
Because several areas of the brain must work together to “decode” or sound out words, children must practice this skill repeatedly. Children also use phonics to spell words when they write.
Remember to have fun! The end goal is joy of reading. Build automaticity with letter sounds and decoding to have greater understanding of what you read.
What order should my child learn phonics in?
This is the sequence that letters and sounds are typically taught in. It’s important to follow the sequence and have them practice what they already know before moving on to the next spelling patterns. Ask their teacher what sounds they are currently working on and what they should learn next, OR
Click on one of the sections and ask your child to:
1. Tell you the sound of the letter or letter combination on the left side of the chart
2. Read the words on the right side of the chart
3. When you get to a letter, letter combination, or word they don’t know, stop there and practice the group of letter combinations in that section
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To see subtitles in another language, after selecting English, next click “auto-translate” and then select the language of your choice.